Saturday, January 14, 2012

A Very Warm Welcome

I thought it was time I started a blog. To share my stories, and so you could get to know me a bit better.
I'm hoping to share my stories, photographic achievements and lots and lots of photos and even some photographic tips.
In the past, I shared my tips on my facebook page. These days, I haven't shared much at all in the way of tips. That is something that needs to change!

So lets get to know me hey? I am a mum (who each passing year seems to become more and more like my own mum!?!), living in a small mining town in WA, trying to balance work/life. I'm passionate about a lot of things in my life, so it isn't a surprise when I say I don't have much spare time on my hands. I'm passionate about my family. I love photography so that is a core part of my life and primarily what this blog will be about. I also am passionate about animal welfare (in particular birds), aquaponics, cross stitching, science and investment. I have a few businesses. My core business is my photography, Jody Ellis Photography. Second to that and my eldest business are my cross-stitch designs (sold to the US). My green business is Modern Cloth Nappies. I will dedicate an entire post to these down the track I am sure!

It has done nothing but rain here with cyclone Heidi, and to be honest, it hasn't inspired the camera to surface. I've been more interested in lounging in the hammock seat. Having said that, tonight I am trapped indoors thanks to the army of flying ants.
I spent a bit of time last night out with the ants catching them for my fish. The find a mate, shed their wings, and then the male follows the female with his face on her bum! Seems a strange dance to me.
Flipper the Oscar fish appreciated my catching efforts. As it turns out, my freshwater crayfish was never trying to escape. He was hunting! He climbs up the plants, sits at the surface, and using his feelers waits until he can feel something and then waves his cumbersome claws around hoping to grab something.
Feeling sorry for the crayfish, I helped him catch some food and watched, fixed to the glass. I'm a sucker for watching animals behaviors (just ask my mum about my snail experiment). He held his food in his main claws, passing it to his feet and then his mouth, and ate an entire female flying ant in probably around 1-2 minutes. Was amazing to watch.

I wonder if I'm actually avoiding photography at the moment, I feel the need for a creative surge, and it hasn't come at me yet. I was hoping to do a 'tattoo' themed project, but I haven't found the right tattoo yet with the right feel. I want to do an animal project, but haven't been able to organise the animals yet.
In fact, I'm feeling just a little bit invisible! I have some fantastic competitions on, and an amazing special on some products, but no one has comments or anything! I guess it is time to do a sing and dance. Get the good vibes going out.

I suppose this should really be enough for my first post. Thanks for reading, keep it real, and please comment so I know I'm not alone out here!

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